The SSST (secret service snatch test) is a real test of strength endurance. 200 repetitions in the snatch with a 24 kg kettlebell is no walk in the park I can tell you. But, the thing is, It's there for you to do, something which at some point, some smart ass decided, um, what can we do to really challenge our men, something brutal, something which will really test the physical fitness of our soldiers!
At least I'm assuming that's where it came from.
Anyway, the fact is it's long been established as a test of one's fitness and determination and so I thought, 'what the hell, let's give it ago'
My recent success in the RKC snatch test (100 reps in 5 minutes with a 24)spurred me on. In my most recent effort I managed the 100 reps in 4 minutes and 30 seconds, not too shabby and whilst it wasn't easy, it was a lot easier than my first attempt 6 months ago.
So, I venture out to my garden in what is a break in the recent beautiful weather we've been having lately here in the UK.
Today it was very windy and it had been raining so the grass was damp. Quite cool in fact so not bad conditions to give it ago.
Since I took my kettlebells into the garden at the start of Spring, I have been very reluctant to train indoors. It's so much nicer to be out in the fresh air, I'm not sure how I'm going to cope with the winter when I'm forced back indoors!. Perhaps I'll just don my thermals and continue to train outside.
I warm up with my usual mobility drill starting from my neck and then working downwards. I grab a 16 kg bell and perform an easy 15 snatches a side. I wait a minute and repeat with a 20. Then, I'm good to go. The video is set up, my iphone countdown timer is set for 10 minutes and primed ready to go.
OK,video is running, get back to the bell set the timer off and I've started.
Initially I crank out 25 reps a side, feels great, but I'm also aware that I haven't got the greatest hip snap in my snatches. It's fine in my swings but loses some of it's power in the snatch. 'easy going style' Is how one fellow kettlebeller described it.
Unlike the RKC, with the SSST you are allowed to set the bell down during the 10 minutes. That's a relief I can tell you. Allows you to get a few deep breathes in before arm changes. 100 reps pass by in just over 5 minutes which I found disappointing, haven't quite paced myself correctly. Still feel strong though but I must admit the thought of another 100 reps is quite daunting.
150 reps in and I'm really starting to hurt. My forearms are now taking a pounding as my grip starts to suffer. I am aware of some pain on my palm but don't look at it in case it deters me.
175 reps in and I am breathing like an ox, forearms are pounding, back feels good though, still desperate for the end to come. Checking the clock I notice that I am cutting it very fine so need to get a move on.
Last 10 reps and I am expecting the buzzer on my countdown time to buzz before I get to the end, I crack out the last 10 ultra quick, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200. I drop the bell down and feel relieved that it's all done and I made it, just. I slump onto one of my garden chairs and survey the damage to my right palm. There' a big flap of skin just hanging there with raw flesh exposed, nice!
With that I switch off the camera and review the footage.
One thing that struck was the last 10 reps. These actually look like the best reps of the entire sequence. Better hip snap, better punch. Perhaps I've found the key.
Well, there you go, it's done and I won't be going back there anytime soon.
This morning, as I picked up the 24, I find it hard to believe that I actually put that thing above my head 200 times. I'm very proud of it and quietly congratulate myself.
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