Thursday, 12 August 2010

Todays session 11/Aug/2010

My love for the bottom up press continued today. I had no intention of making a proper workout out of them but thought I would see if I could work up to the 28kg bell. So, with my scheduled session on hold for half an hour I ran through some mobility work and warm ups before starting with the 12k. 10 reps a side and it was on to the 16. Here I minimised my reps in,order to stay fresh, to 5 per side.
20 up next and 3 reps per side. 24 also for 3 per side. OK now I was in new territory.
I grabbed my 28 out of the shed and got into the start position. I wasn't using my regular Wolverson bell here simply because I don't have a 28 kg size, so instead I had to use my Jordan bell. It's certainly not my bell of choice but in actual fact the thicker handle helps with the grip in this exercise.
I swung it up to the start position and steadied myself for the press. Up it went, first time, not easily but with no appreciable side bend, pretty much straight up which was pleasing. What wasn't so good was the photo taken at the top position missed the lockout. I pushed out 3 more reps before I was happy with the picture. This may have hampered my attempt at the 32 due to fatigue, I don't know, that's my excuse anyway. I swung and held the 32 in position quite comfortably but on the press only managed to get it half way up. I reckon I could have ground it out if I could have maintained the balance but unfortunately I couldn't.
Nevermind, fact is I had achieved a new weight with the 28 and that was enough for now.

On to the actual workout: This has become a favorite of mine and can be done with single or double kettlebells. On this occasion I used double 16's


1 rep of each in that sequence then 2 then 3 right up to 5 and then 4, 3, 2, 1.
It's a 5 minute non-stop sequence which sees my heart rate to 170 plus the first time round. I Took a good 3 minute rest then went again with the double 16's
That's it, 10 minutes of work and a thorough beasting was had.
I decided I wanted to snatch my 32 today as well so after a 10 minute rest I knocked out 5 sets of 20 reps with a 2 minute rest inbetween. That was it for today but actually quite a high volume of work overall.


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