Monday, 23 August 2010

36/36 vo2 max protocol with the 24kg bell.

Tough one this, much tougher than anticipated. Previous attempts with the 16 and 20 kg bell had led me into a false sense of security with the 24. This was a whole new level of intense for me. Not that I haven't been here before because I have. A flat out 1k, 2k or 5k on the concept 2 rower has seen to that as has the RKC snatch test and the SSST. But this was a gruelling 36 minutes of intense cardio, forearm pain, a torn palm and intense mental and physical endurance.
My target was 30 total sets right from the off as opposed to 50 sets with the 16 and 20. As soon as I started I knew it was going to be tough, My heart rate was up at 160 plus after 4 rounds. Once it peaked over 170, that's where it stayed, dropping only a few beats between rounds. At the half way stage I was hitting 180 heart rate and my grip was suffering especially on my left arm. It was my right hand however that was starting to tear. The torn sock over the palm wasn't really helping as my grip was suffering by the latter stages and I had too much slippage.
The final few sets were really, really tough. I was struggling to hang on to the bell but was absolutely determined to see the 30 sets out.
Once finished, I decided to opt for the passive recovery route as opposed to active even though I know that's not ever recommended.
Now it's all done and I can reflect on my efforts, I feel proud that I stuck through it. It would have been easy to quit but that is simply not in my nature.
I will probably now go through the weights again but with the 15/15 protocol.
A little bit of hand recovery will be required first before I snatch that volume again. Below I have listed the stats for the 3 different weights used for the sake of comparison. If anyone knows how to compile a list on this blog format, please let me know because this is crap!!

Weight used:--------24kg----------16kg------------20kg
Time:---------------36 minutes----1 hour----------1 hour
Average heart rate:-167---------- 139-------------154
Peak heart rate:--- 181-----------156-------------172
Total reps:-------- 450-----------802-------------762
Weight lifted-------10800kg---- 12832kg---------15240kg
Reps per set:------ 15------------15-17-----------15-16
Total sets:-------- 30------------50--------------50


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