Monday, 25 October 2010


It's been a while since I put up a blog, no excuses, just being a bit lazy!!
I've been training very hard though and have recently become an IKFF CKT qualified instructor under the expert guidance of Steve Cotter!
Extremely tough but very educational and enjoyable course spread over two days at Ealsfield amateur boxing club in Wandsworth, London.
Met some great people and have since set up a dedicated facebook page entitled: London IKFF CKT. This will, hopefully, enable us all to keep on communicating.
Next up will be the IKFF level 2 course which will be happening sometime next year.

On to today's session.
Warm up followed by some mobility and then on to some density training which I learnt on the CKT.

I started off with 5 kettlebells lined up in front of me. a 12, 16, 20, 24, and 32.
I then cleaned and pressed every kettlebell starting with the 12kg bell for 10 reps per arm. There was no rest between each kettlebell. I progressed to the 32kg bell but cleaned that only as I can't strict press it yet, not very well anyway.
I then went back down through the bells again ending up at the 12.
This whole sequence took about 22 minutes. I wasn't monitoring HR so I can't report any stats.

The same deal up next for the snatch except I also added in a 28 kg bell making a total of 6 bells.
This was managed in 16 minutes. It wasn't continuous as I had to rest after the 28 and 32. It's given me a goal however to complete the entire sequence non stop and therefore get my time down.
I decided to wear a monitor for this and recorded the following stats:
Time: 16 minutes.
Ave HR: 167
Peak HR: 180
Cals: 246
Cals per minute: 16
This was a great session and I very much enjoyed it especially the snatches.