Mobility drills.
It is vital that you follow a well structured mobility drill prior to any heavy kettlebell work. I say structured as opposed to a random sequence of exercises because you really need to encompass the whole body here.
This type of workout can't really be compared to the very slow deliberate movements of a typical gym session. All movements here are very dynamic in nature and as a result the warm up needs to reflect this.
The session I did yesterday was a very heavy one for me and as a result I had to feel 'ready' for it. Initially, picking up the 28kg bell and transporting it into my room, I dreaded what I had planned! A 400 rep routine is an intimidating prospect with a 28kg bell so it's vital that the mobility drill I followed was lengthy, all encompassing and relevant to the forthcoming exercises.
Once this is done, that weight no longer presents itself as the 'threat' that it did 15 minutes earlier. I was prepared, determined, and eager to crack on.
Once the mobility is done I always perform a few sequences of the movements I am about to perform with a lighter weight, just to get into the groove before I begin.
I have included here two joint mobility sessions from the IKFF youtube page. We were taught the majority of these on the course and they are excellent preparation for a kettlebell session.
The third video is a more dynamic routine. Obviously Steve is a very capable guy and you will have to try and structure a routine that is applicable to yourself specifically.
Take a look and run through some of the exercises. Ensure that you spend at least 10 minutes preparing for a heavy kettlebell session.
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