Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Today's session 19/01/11

Leg session today.
Did the following:
Pistol squat: 4 sets
Body weight x 12
12 kg x 12
16 kg x 10
20 kg x 9
Completed the 4 sets in 14 minutes.

Double lunge:
12 kg x 12
16 kg x 12
20 kg x 12
These are done as follows:
Start with a kettlebell in the racked position or dumbbells at your side and lunge forward with a decent size step, lower to a position where your trailing knee is just off the ground and then push back up forcefully. Now, don't centre the leg as per traditional lunge but sweep the leg back in one movement to a rear lunge position.
Now push back up to standing position but as before don't centre the leg but sweep straight through to a forward lunge again. If you initially have difficulties with balance and co-ordination then just momentarily centre the leg before moving on to the second part of the lunge.
These produce a terrific burn in the leg with the stationary foot. If you really want to rack up the intensity, go to failure with the weight and then drop the weight (not literally) and continue further. To increase intensity still further, keep your hips low as you sweep the leg backwards and forwards. An amazing burn is garanteed with this one.

Suspended TRX hamstring runners.
These I do for time:
1 minute on, 1 minute off for 5 sets.
These are great and really kill the hamstrings. In order to isolate the hams and therefore keep the calves out of the equation, place your feet flat into the straps so the soles of your shoes are pressing down into the straps as opposed to your heels.


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